Wednesday, Oct 8, 2014
With a fourth year of drought on California’s horizon, finding ways to conserve water is more important than ever. Some communities have implemented a water schedule with accompanying penalties for violations. The City of Wasco recently approved implementation of a Stage 2 Mandatory Compliance Declared Water Shortage alert, which would allow residents to water their yards only 4 days a week, between the hours of 7 PM and 6 AM.
The scheduling allows for early morning or late evening watering, avoiding evaporative loss and shortening the amount of time water flows. We can help each other by politely letting our neighbors know if they have broken sprinklers and offering to set sprinkler timers for those owners needing assistance. Take a look at these 100+ water saving tips.
Don’t forget your hidden or indirect use of water for items not associated with household consumption such as indirect use of water, which includes food production, clothing manufacturing, and other non household activities. Have a look at this calculator, which shows the estimated amount of water required for everyday foods and other items. Distribute these sources of information through your place of work and groups or associations you’re involved with.
Help get the word out about the drought and conservation efforts. Contact your local water provider through the number located on your water bill and ask what they are doing to help conserve water in your area of California. Together all of us can make a difference when it comes to conserving water.